Assumed Name / TRADE NAME / 

Fictitious Name / DBA

Assumed Name / DBA / Trade Name / Fictitious Name

Depending on the State, the terminology differs for the name under which an entity conducts business that is not its legal name. Hence the term Doing Business As or DBA, also called assumed name, trade name or fictitious name. DBA’s are usually filed with the Secretary of State and must be renewed every 2 to 5 years differing in each State.

It’s basically an alias, which can offer more flexibility, enhance your branding and protect your privacy. On the other hand you will not have exclusive rights to the business name, hence less liability protections and it’s a responsibility to maintain it so it doesn’t expire.

A DBA can help you expand your business in different areas, either with new locations or new lines of business. It allows you to open several branches of operation with different names. For example you can have VENTURE RESTAURANTS LLC, with dba SUPREME CUISINE in one location and dba TASTE ADVENTURE in another. Another scenario is if you wanted to expand to a new region, but your business name is already taken there. You can register a different name and do business as an alias using your original business name.

A DBA can also boost your branding strategies by targeting different markets. If your company for example sells bikes and bike related gear, you can have several websites with different DBA names or brand names, one for amateurs, another for mountain bikers and another for professional race biking.

DBA’s can be filed with the Secretary of State, county clerk or office of records. The fees and processing times vary by State.